A more recent version of the dictionary is now available as PDF file (ca. 92K).
This dictionary of Sinampaiton is a first, very rough, attempt at a Sinampaiton lexicon. Many entries have been deprecated, and some new words do not appear here.
Headwords appear in the order shown below, for the most part.
A B Mb Ch D Nd Dz Ndz E G Ng H I J Nj K Kr Nk Kh L Nl Ll M N O P Pr Mp Ph R S Sh T Nt Th Ts U V
-a (noun case adverbial.)
an (irregular stative vi.) be
aban lip; dual (two) lips
abastakan coward
abaste cowardice, timidity; cowardly, faint-hearted, timid
abere pluck, courage, bravado; plucky, courageous, brave, fearless
abon table (esp. for eating), counter, board
aborun sit at the table, go to dinner, take a meal, dine, feast, eat
aborumen see abuire 1.
aboruven diner, dinner guest, person at the table
abuire meal, feast, board, food, sustenance
adaphe whale; huge, gigantic, monstrous
ain not be; be absent or lacking or missing; (with -ikha) not have, lack; not be true, be untrue or false
aibakan see aibe 1.a.
aibe youngest (child), lastborn, newborn, baby; youngster, kid, tot, (little) squirt; youngest (animal), kid, foal, etc.; runt (of a litter); youngest, lastborn, newborn, runt; young, immature; puny, diminutive, little
aibere infancy, first years, youth; beginning(s)
aibon see aibe 1.b.
aidon multitude, myriad, thousand(s), million(s), swarm; multitude, throng, army, masses; (pl.) see aidon 1.; numerous, myriad, thousand, million, abundant, innumerable
aihun head, top, end, extremity (not of a person); top, end, uppermost, foremost
aiken bard, troubadour, minstrel, skald; bardic, skaldic, runic, lyric; wandering, roving, errant, itinerant
aikenon bardic ways, minstrelsy; (?) ; Bardic music; Bardic (language)
aikenorun speak or write or know Bardic (the Bardic language)
aikeenatan winnow, thresh
aikeene chaff; residue, refuse, debris; residual, left-over, unwanted
aikerun be a bard etc.; practice the art of minstrelsy; wander, roam, rove, ramble
aikhen increase, multiply, augment, add to
aikhean increase, multiply, grow, wax
aikhean increase, growth; increasing, growing, waxing
aikhemen see aikhen
aikhemun augmentation, addition; additive, augmentative, multiplicative
aikhen increase, growth
aimen lack, absence; untruth, falsehood; lacking, absent, missing; untrue, false
aisan (fortified) city; city (population)
aisaven aisan inhabitant
aistavan impossibility, the impossible; nonsense, fantasy, absurdity; impossible; fantastic, nonsensical, absurd
aitsakan fiend, vile or contemptible person
aitse worms, grubs; contemptible persons; vermicular; low, vile, contemptible
aitsere worm-eaten, wormy, maggotty, rundown, decrepit
aivo also, too, as well, in addition
aivon thin tasteless soup or broth; thinness; (of color) dullness, paleness; (of flavor) tastelessness, insipidness; (fig.) vapidity, inanity, jejunity; thin; dull, pale, colorless; tasteless, insipid; boring, vapid, inane, jejune
-aka adjectival animate
akaame (of either sex) wizard, sorceror, witch, magician; magic(al), sorcerous
akaamere magic, wizardry, witchcraft, sorcery
aku (dialectal)see eku
akuun yearn, (with -una) want, desire. [Akuunge dziun eteruna 'I want or desire three bottles']
akuumen desire, yearning
akhave (the) South; southern
akhe snake, serpent; snaky, serpentine; sinuous, tortuous, meandering, winding
alain (dark) blue(ness); (dark) blue, indigo, ultramarine, purple; (dark) bluish, purplish
alekhe berries
aleme noose, snare, trap; false, treacherous, guileful, deceptive
alematan snare, ensnare, trap, catch
aliurarun play the harp or lyre
aliuraruven harpist, lyrist, harp or lyre player
aliurarumen harpistry, harp or lyre playing
aliure harp, lyre
aliurin (piece of) music for the harp or lyre
alon use, make use of, employ, wield, apply
alon use, usage
alonjen misuse, abuse
alonjemun see alonjiere 2.
alonjiere misuse, abuse, spite, malice; abusive, spiteful, malicious
aluere use, usefulness, benefit, value, worth; useful, effective, helpful, worthwhile; ready, handy
aman (past def. omon) cross (over), traverse, go or pass over or through
amaben pass, passage, corridor, aisle, channel
amaun move, budge, stir
amaute move, movement, motion
ambaathan colony
ambaathavatan colonize
amin perceive, discern, make out, detect, tell, apprehend, understand, comprehend, know, see, sense
amimen perception, discernment, understanding, comprehension
amimun perceptive, discerning, understanding, knowing
ammae mother, mom; motherly, maternal
amparre kitchen; culinary
amunan swell, bulge, expand, inflate; (mbondo etc.) billow, surge, swell, roll
amunamen swelling, distension, bulging, expansion, inflation; swell, surge, tide, waves, surf; swollen, distended, bulging, inflated; flooded
amunate bulge; billow, surge, swell, wave
-an (dual sfx. (largely lex.)) -(e)s
anavon tease, mock, razz, make fun of, poke fun at, taunt, ridicule, deride
anavomen teasing, mockery, razzing, ridicule, derision
anavomun teasing, mocking, derisive
anavote gibe, wisecrack, jeer, taunt
ande time, instance, occasion, event; four times, on four occasions.; this time, on this occasion. ; if ever, if perhaps; once, at one time; one-time, former(ly)
andan occur, happen, take place
anden raise, lift, elevate, heighten, erect
andean rise, stand up; grow
andean rising; growth; rising, (up)sloping; growing
angan (past def. angavon) curdle, clabber, coagulate, clot, congeal, jell
angan curd(s), clabber, clot(ting), gel; curdled, clotted, congealed; drunk
ange auk; oaf
anie tricks, deceits; false, fake, pseudo-
aniere trickery, deceit; tricky, deceitful
aniatan trick, deceive, cheat, betray
aanite (light) blue(ness), azure; (poetic) sky; (light) blue, azure, sky blue, cerulean; (light) bluish
ankane silver; (made of) silver; silvery
ankanere silver luster or sheen; silvery
ankanin piece of silver, silver coin
anlon pig, swine; distasteful person; indecent or obscene or lecherous person; porcine, swinish; indecent, obscene, lecherous
anloron copulate (esp. like pigs), screw, fuck
-anto about, concerning
anthan go back, recede, retreat, withdraw, go away, leave; ebb, wane, dwindle; renounce, refuse, reject; abandon, forsake, go back on (a promise etc.); abjure, forswear, quit, cease
apikhe awl, auger
apraape curse, malediction, bane, hex, doom
apraapatan (past def. apraapoton) curse, damn, hex, doom
aphan fill; fulfill, complete, finish, conclude
aphavan fill, become full; be fulfilled or concluded or finished, finish, conclude
aralle sibling, sister, brother; (similar relations) sister-in-law, brother-in-law; half-sister, half-brother; cousin; mate; brotherly, sisterly, fraternal, sororal; related; fellow, mated, twin, matching; cousin etc., (unrelated persons) comrade, mate, sister, brother
aran sit, be seated
arateede session, council
aradze seat, chair
araue barren tree or plant; barren woman, infertile woman or (rare) man; barren, infertile
arauere barren land(s), desert, wilderness
aren godfather, patron
areon set, put, place
aridze crown
aridzatan crown, coronate
aropie pillar, column
arukan advise, counsel, direct; (with -una) suggest, recommend, advocate
arukaven advisor, counsellor
arukamen advice, counsel, direction
eotarukamen bad advice, bad or evil counsel
kearukan forewarn
suarukan misguide, deceive
aksore whole, entire
asme spells, charms; strange, bizarre, weird
asuite only, sole
ashon juice
ashuan geese (male or female); drunkards, sots; fools, buffoons; drunk, silly, loony, ridiculous
ashuanunge (female) geese
ashuadzine ganders
atepren shards, potsherds; trifling, petty, paltry, pitiful, worthless, useless
athen joy, delight; gladdening, happy, cheery
athiere joyful, cheerful, happy
athen see; know, understand
athemen sight, vision; knowing, understanding
atsan (legend) poem, epic
atsaven (epic) poet
atse voice; speech, manner of speaking, articulation, accent
aru and; plus; even; a long boat; a boat which is (furthermore) long; even now
aujen chuck-a-luck, raffle (game with three dice)
aukin watch, keep watch, be watchful or careful, take care
aukiere watchful, careful, vigilant
aukimen watchfulness, vigilance, care, heed, carefulness
aulun open space; spacious, ample; open, vacant, unoccupied, free, uninhabited
auluere (the) open, open air; out-of-doors, outdoors, outside; open-air; outdoor, outside
aupe nail, bolt, pin, peg
aupatan nail, bolt, affix with nail(s) etc.
aute message, dispatch, (piece of) news
autaven messenger
autatan (past def. autoton) send a message or news to, inform
eotaute (message of) bad news, ill tidings
avatse drum, tom-tom, timbrel, tabor
avatsan drum, play (the) drum(s) etc.
avatsaven drummer
avivan lurk, skulk; sneak, steal, slink, creep; furtively, surreptitiously, stealthily, secretly
avonde wax; nonsense, stuff; old news or story or song, cliche, platitude, ennui, tedium
saravonde utter nonsense, balderdash, rubbish; meaningless, inane, trite, boring, dull, banal, tedious
avondere waxy; see saravonde
avun woman; female; feminine
adzare (poetic rare) nocturnal
adzian (past def. odzion) boil, bubble
adzune finger, digit; toe
adzunuuse little finger, pinkie
keadzune forefinger, index finger
baan knife
-baba should, ought to, have to
babu papa, daddy, dad
bain feel (emotion)
baichun shout, cry (out), call (out)
baimen emotion(s), feeling(s)
baken defecate
baken (human) feces
balan skirt
ballon clay
bame row
bamatan (past def. bamoton) arrange
sobamatan (past def. sobamoton) disarrange, disorder, unsettle
-bandan (past def. -bondon) go (verb)-ing
banien cherish
banjen moonshine, hooch, homebrew
bantan bench
bante unit of msmt., ca. 3.5 lbs
baute hedge
badzan (past def. bodzon) pluck, snatch, seize
badzavare terrible or frightful thing or event; terror, panic; terrible, frightful, terrifying
be (prevb.) then ((future)); when, as, while
be (1 and 2 pl. disjunctive nucleus.)
ben (past def. benon)give
bengane (interrog. adverb future) when?
beben wool
beje sinew, tendon
bekun point
bekuvatan (past def. bekuvoton) sharpen (to a point)
belebe cluster, mass, bunch
belutun jerk, be startled, twitch, flinch
belle debris, rubbish
bellon combine, mix
beman lie (face down), lie prone
bemen entrance, gate, ingress, passage
bempe tangled, untidy, messy, sloppy (of condition, not habit)
-beni under, below, beneath
bengen jar
benkie odd, eccentric
bennise crown (of head)
bente some, any; something, anything; someone, anyone; somewhat, at all
beon face
bene gift
beshe mug, jug, pot, (beer) stein; drunk
beshakan drunk, drunkard
beshan drink, have a drink; get drunk
bete oil
bethin burs
bethun herd (together)
betse alcohol, liquor
bibre narrow, close
bien rain
bien rain
biibe rake
biikhe brush
bilage soap
binie gourd
binne suffering, discomfort, misery; miserable, poor
bion make, shape, create
bire tiny thing; tiny, minute
biroen run
bishe evil, bad
-bo over, above
bo (imperative modal postvb.)
bokere sharp
bokaratan (past def. bokaroton or bokoroton) sharpen
bokhane people
bose top, uppermost surface, peak
booshe cheese
bothe chin
buande joint
buben decrepit abandoned house, shack; ramshackle, destitute
buisan (period of) mourning
buiton seep, leak, drip
buken travel
bulelen wrap up (as objects in cloth etc.)
burin command, direct
buru water spirit
bute red; reddish
buthan handle, manipulate
buven illness, disease
buviere ill, sick, diseased
budzan breathe (in and out)
mbaande beaded belt
mbarian compare, match
mbatan dare
mbatan bold
mbathe pitch, tar
mbaue free
mbekhe (spider's) web
mbelie hen, female (of birds)
mbendin put on (clothing); imitate, impersonate
mbene comrades, fellows
mbere gem
mbethen broom
mbikun cheat
mbilin jab, stab, poke
mbilun shop, store
mbille ash(es), cinders
mbisun shelf, ledge
mbite type, manner, way
-mbita like, as, in the manner of
mbome bunch, cluster
mbonde sea, ocean
mboote hubbub, confusion
mbootue (bolt of) lightning, lightning bolt
mbootuere lightning
mboshan dip, dive, plunge, rush
mbote nest
mboton nestling
mbodze pit, abyss, hell
mbuan swing, sway
mbuine turtle
-mbuke fully; as (...-ngo, as)
mbuke full
mbulle inner self, soul
mburun talk, converse
mbushe (little) kid
chaave food, prey
-chai (deontic) may
chaikudze see chaikunon
chaikun lamp oil, kerosene
chaikunon oil lamp, kerosene lamp
chakheren laugh loudly or uncontrollably, shriek or roar (with laughter), split one's sides, be in stitches, die laughing
chakheren loud or uncontrollable laughter, hilarity, hysterics
chalo (emphatic negative verb-enclitic) not; never
-challan half way, midway: [Luinachollongala na Tekima 'We walked halfway to Tekin']; only half, hardly, incompletely: [Kipechallaseke ni nuime 'You're hardly drinking your wine']
changatan (with inanimate obj.) chop up, chop in pieces; (with animate obj.) beat up, pulverize
chante box
chapan incense, spice, balm
chashan rustle, hiss, whisper, swish
chatharun flash, flicker, glitter, glimmer, sparkle, scintillate
chathe flashes, flickers, glints, sparkles, glimmers; flashing, glittering, glimmery, sparkling, scintillating; splendid, lovely, beautiful, wonderful
chaulle violet, purple, indigo; purplish
chechan suck out, take out, pull out; steal
chedzachone nephew; (younger) cousin
chedzampelen niece; (younger) cousin
chedze niece, nephew; (younger) cousin
chekhan trample
cheme cheek
chendzen shape, form
eochendziere ugly, misshapen
chene mother, mom; motherly, maternal
chepon ((person or animal) ) curl up
cherin secrets
chese nothing, not anything, none, not any; no, not any; not at all, un-, non-: [koshe cheso 'unclear']; [Atheve chese 'I don't see anything']; [Chesianisengala dai 'We don't have any']; [Khirin chese nu luthenge 'Nothing bothers my sister']
chesun mistreat, do ((someone) ) wrong, hurt:
cheetalan blackbird
chiaban antelope
chimile godmother
chinoon magic
chirape poor
chire name
chiseme grasshopper
chiite brink, rim, edge (of lake etc.)
chiupun yelp, yap, bark
chiupute yelp, yap, bark
chokun (of sight or hearing) notice, see, hear, spot, catch sight of; realize
chomethen crush
chompon whiskey
chondurun grunt, mutter, mumble
chone boy, (young) son
choose accent, stress
choosin accent(-mark)
choto (optative verb-enclitic) maybe, I hope
chuade mean, coarse
chuan bittern
chude birch
chuin sing, sing about: [Chuinkanie na Tsekon 'She sang about Tsekon']
chuken throat
chulun string ((beads etc.) ), line up
-chulun do one after another or all in a row or one at a time or each in turn:
chusupe corner
chushe drunk
dabo (neg. imperative modal postvb.) don't!
dai (sentence-final) not; (sentential) no. [Athiovio dai 'I didn't see it']
da (neg. cop.) not
sinda indeed (counterneg.)
sindae yes (counterneg.)
daite no, none
siindaite some (counterneg.)
dake Earth
dakia no more, no longer
dakhan take hold of, grasp
danjo (neg. counterfactual modal postvb.) if not
danka (neg. conditional modal postvb.) wouldn't
darun pike (fish)
dava (neg. hortative modal postvb.) let not etc.
davataino (polite neg. hortative modal postvb.) please don't
dason nothing
sindason something (counterneg.)
dau nobody, no one
sindau someone, somebody (counterneg.)
dauan unit of msmt., ca. 288 ft
daume street, avenue
dadze hand
dadzan dual (two) hands
de (2 sg. disjunctive nucleus.)
den knock, rap, strike (with a quick sharp blow)
-den quickly, suddenly
deama never
sindeama at some time, sometimes (counterneg.)
deben bedbug
dechan pot; (portion of) food left over after a meal
deeje bean soup
dekhe oar
dekhan row
deleve spots (of color); splotches
delie handful
dene (neg. interrogative) don't?; (in conditional constructions) if not, unless; (in subordinate clauses) whether not
denle morning
kadenle yesterday morning
kudenle this morning
denun direct, point, aim
deoren keep
diakan obey
dian throw
diben canopy, awning, tent
die no, not a
sindie some (counterneg.)
dieke (thick, heavy) smoke, fog, dark
dieme storm-bird (said to cause evil); villain (the name of a folk-tale antagonist)
diephan buy
diesen plug, stop up
diesedze plug, stopper
diiche nervous spell
diman field
dinie vine, creeper, tendril
-disio except, but, other than, apart from, besides
ditse little, short, narrow, slight, scanty
diun go
diumun shrink, droop, decline, languish
diunin drain, gutter, canal
diutse heel
divon spin, whirl
-do agentive by
dobin soil, earth
dolon East
dolon vote
dolomen election
domoone page
don mountainside dwelling
dore no, none
sindore some (counterneg.)
doore broad, wide, ample, large
dooren breadth, width, amplitude, size
don murder
dosipen fratricide, brother-killer; fratricide, brother-killing; fratricidal
dovo (neg. postpos.) only, just, none but, nothing but
dovonte slave
duan heat waves; fury, wrath; very hot; furious
duidin go through, experience, live. [duidin li ngu venje binno 'go through five miserable days']
duike bricks
duuma troll
dunon start, start off, leave
duone quick, fast, swift
duonen quickness, speed
dupen dock
dure (hardwood) tree
ndabe buttocks
ndaide anus
ndaphane brain
ndare end
ndareben limit, borderland
ndaratan finish
ndaure wise, sensible
-nde (pl. sfx. class 1 (np.)) -(e)s
ndembe thunderstorm
-ndeme (absol.) You; (absol.) Your
nden weir
ndenun old, former, past
ndeole ring
ndephe steam
ndephille steamy
ndeshe dove
ndevin receive
ndikele eczema
ndikhe pen, enclosure
ndime common, ordinary
ndimun prick, stab
ndiran grandparent, old relative
ndite nickel
ndobaikon grammar (book)
ndode hopes
ndodere hope; hopeful
ndodikhan hope
ndodiime hopeful
ndolle waist, middle, loins
ndoson look over, examine
ndudine inn, hostel
nduren help
ndueve mole
nduun persimmon
nduve (mild) breeze
-dzan re-, again, once more: [Ogodzonove ni atsan 'I rewrote the poem']; [Athedzalaikenge ni launtiono 'You'll see me again this evening']; [Riedzasanan 'It's raining again']
dzaime lime, caulk, paste, glue
dzaite lot, share; get one's share, get what one deserves: [Koolaike ni dzaite! 'You'll get what's coming to you!']
dzanun nibble, nip, bite at; taste, sip. [Dzanuvonge ti nkuitse ni suilasa 'The dog nipped my ankle']; [Dzanusenie ni phiphen 'She's sipping her soup']
dzanute nibble, nip; taste
dzaran inform, tell (...-obo of, that): [Dzorotienge ni kambobo 'He told me about the boat']
dzauthe molar; wisdom tooth
-dze (deverbal deriv. sfx. inan. instrument.)
dzeebon go after, pursue, chase
dzempon swallow; hide or cover up a secret; (-mu) run away, flee, scram, split: [Dzempomun bo! 'Split!']
dzende thorn, point
dzesan (a fire etc.) stir up, feed; (an oven, the flame of a lamp) turn up; (a person or emotion, esp. a negative emotion) rouse, stir up, provoke, excite, cause, make; (an action) provoke, incite, instigate: [Dzesan bo ni chaikun! 'Turn up the lamp!']; [Dzesavongala ti kalutie, dzuna baisola iipe su cheso 'Her words stirred us up so that we felt no fear']; [ashuadzine 'I wouldn't pick a fight']
dzeve young animals or people, adolescents; (of living things only) young, youthful
dziele back, spine; (of a hill or wave etc.) crest, ridge
dzimen tear off, knock off, break off, pull off; ((a cough or cry etc.) ) give, utter; ((fig.) ) give up, hand over, cough up: [Dzimeke bo ni suin! 'Hand over the book!']
dzimean pull or be torn or be broken off; cease, die
dzine male (animal); male (of animals only, or pejoratively of men)
-dzine appositive deriv. sfx. forming cpd. ns.: [ashuadzine 'ganders'], [phidzine 'he-goat'], [ukhudzine 'tomcat']
dzion three; third
dziokain thirteen; thirteenth
dzionondon sixty; sixtieth
dziudun cut down, destroy; betray, turn against
dzobon ferry, ferryboat
dzoborun ferry (across), take a or the ferry
dzolon (hair, grass, etc.) cut (off), trim; (an emotion, esp. pain) diminish, lessen: [Dzolon ti chompon ni ebenle 'Whiskey diminishes the pain']
dzonkhe (impossibly) narrow passage; vain, futile, ((hopes etc.) ) impossible, ((words etc.)) empty
dzu modal verb enclitic expressing surprise or unexpectedness: [Suiresenie dzu! 'She's asleep!']; [Cha! gosurienuanan dzu 'Whoosh! it starts pouring down rain!'].
dzuiren fiber, flesh, matter, stuff; material, real
dzun plait, weave; make, fashion (a story, lie)
dzunan (with -ia) be made or fashioned (out) of, be built on
-ndza down: [Pokondzononie ni odzolobo 'She ran down the hill']; [Menollindzalaingala ni pidasa 'We'll sleep down on the beach']
ndzakon harvest fair
ndzaphe chickens
ndzaphadzine roosters
ndzaphunge hens
ndzasue capital (city)
ndzebe ash (tree)
ndzekhen knock down
ndzenle image, likeness
ndzenun read
ndzendze nuts, acorns
ndzerre group, lot
ndziman shield
-ndzine (absol.) who(m)?; (poss.) whose?
ndzon oldest (child)
ndzope roots
ndzopatan root, establish, base
sondzopatan uproot
ndzophote mayor
ndzodze frogs
ndzue groundhog
ndzuphure river mouth
ndzurun numen, (resident) spirit
e- (transitive indefinite (disjunctive) local formative)
eamon draught
eante a little
earen happen
eareatan bring about, cause
ebenle pain
ebenlikhan be in pain, hurt, suffer
eche herbs, plants
edde real
eddin fact
edzemen roll
-eele not, not at all, un-; without, -less
eele empty
egene coffin
egon look at
ehie goose
ejan float, soar, glide
eku now, yet, already
eken sun
nlibekenon daisy
nuaneken setting sun, sunset; west; twilight, evening; evening, twilight, west(ern)
ekodzon spoil, mar, thwart
ekole season
ekuure blind
eekhe better
ekhen (open) fireplace
ekhon hide
ekhovan hide
eleke units of msmt., ca. 2.6 liters
elikan plant, stick in ground, fix in place
ellan look, search
eloote tower
eelun fish-hook
embe oven
emenge duck
eminin defeat, beat (at a game etc.)
emon find
emomen discovery
empain (drinking) glass
empo again
-(^n|v)en (deriv. sfx. personal agent) -er
ende good, worthy, able
endin hollow (out)
ene pot, kettle
enge tail (of bird)
eniemme pocket, pouch, purse
enien ask
eniete question
enkon Southwest
enloon aspens
enole chief, great, major, primary
entoo cake
endze ear
eoobe fewer, less
-bolo across, over
eombe leg
eopan laugh
eopan laugh
eovaran ill omen
epahapo witness
epen house
epin eat (of people only), dine
ephan right (opp. left)
ephe full
-era by, around
erage smooth, sleek
-( )ere -fulness, -iness, -ousness, -ery; -ful, -y, -ous
erie quick, agile
erkin stop
erkian stop
erme (species of tree)
eron bear
errese past, former
erresen (the) past
erte luck, fortune
eoterte misfortune, bad luck
eesin mountain
eesisun mountain range
eshe pit, hole
etere bottle
ethe skinks
etie only, merely, just
etme stomach
etsadzin remember
etsadzin memory
etseron count, reckon
-eva at, by
gade parts, portions
gadatan divide, part, apportion
gaagen rope strung across a river or chasm etc., or along a path traveled by night
gahean snag, catch
gairon work, labor
gairon work, labor
galan pass (-obo, by, along)
galien mix
galigin battle
gane smoke
gangisin tie up, tie in knots, confuse
ganuan stormy weather; stormy, mighty, terrific
garan hoe
gareede anxiety, fear
gareediime anxious, worried, afraid
gate noodle soup
gatsan stay, dwell
gaun bind, fasten
gaunin bond
sogaun detach, unfasten
geaste dawn, early morning
geddon Southeast
geegan creatures, beasts, wild animals
geeme smells
eogeeme stench, stink, reek
geeman smell, seem
geematan smell
gen cart, wagon
gendan close
gendavan close
genge temper, mood, nature, disposition
geon swim
geese alone
geesiime lonely
geshe defile, narrow passage
getin accompany, be or go with; (euphem.) sleep with
gibin chaos, muddle
gibin bemuddle, confuse
gide danger, risk
gidere dangerous, risky
giile medicine
gilon waves
giniadu pillow, cushion
gintie loins, crotch, pelvic region (not specifically including genitals)
gituve pale, ghastly
giudze pattern, theme
giurun brood, nest
gobe chair
gochen friend, pal, chum
godzon deny (something that's true), lie about
godzon fever
goe North
gokhon hoof
gonte stone carving, sculpture
gooren elbow
gootse uproar, din; blaze; flurry (of activity)
gopre combs
gosun pour [Gosubiesanan 'It's pouring down rain']
-gua (path or aspectual aux.) up, completely; up to
gudun lottery
guilise road, main road
gurinin (a flood, storm etc.) clear away, sweep away
gutun tattoo
guulin flow (profusely), flood; talk excessively
ngade bandits, thugs
ngadime (species of fruit)
ngaithe language
-(ng)ala (absol.) we, us; (poss.) our
ngampe (interrog.) how much?, how many?; how? [Noman ngampo ku kujaven? 'How old is the governor?']
-ngane (absol.) what?; (poss.) whose, which one's?; (pseudo-poss.) what, which?
ngankhare stinkbug
ngaphan party, f\^ete
ngan get, bring, take
ngasan test, try
ngaulan poke, prod
-nge (absol.) I, me; (poss.) my
ngedin bite
ngeen mother-in-law
ngele violent impulse, hot temper
ngere city
ngeven cluster, group, heap
ngedzen mark, tally, price
nginin kindle, ignite
nginian ignite
ngise stubborn, obstinate
ngitan stretch, pull, extend
-ngo like, as
-ngo (absol.) it; (poss.) its
ngohon rumors, bits of gossip
ngolle barren tree; fruitless, barren, bare, empty
-(ng)ono (absol.) which, that; (poss.) whose, which one's
-(ng)oso (absol.) they, them; (poss.) their
ngothon benefit, favor
-ngotho(no) on behalf of, for
ngun five; fifth
ngukain fifteen; fifteenth
nguire strip
nguiratan strip, tear into strips
ngulikun destroy, wipe out
ngulun burst open
ngure proud
ngure dike, dyke, embankment
nguren pride
-(ng)uru (absol.) you, y'all; (poss.) your, y'all's
ngute comfort
ngutere comfortable
nguthie turf, sod
h is no longer a phoneme. These entries will be changed if necessary, and moved elsewhere.
eopapan corruption, curse, evil
eopapan corrupt, curse, violate
haraue zinc
sopare disagreement, discord
eoheegan monsters
eojethe ill wind, tempest, bad weather
-ia (possessive and instrumental) with
ianooe chimney
iaran take away, remove
-iasho (made) of
iathe eagle
iauan phosphorus
iaun ice
ibelie slow
ibelien slowness
iche ford
idage roof
idian see dimly
-ie to, into
ieje deeds, acts, feats
-iene (pl. sfx. class 3) -(e)s
ienkuere branches
ienodze pitcher
iente harbor, haven
iere part, quarter, region
ieta downstream
ieten lose
ieven freeze
ieven frozen
igun (large) basket
iken weather, climate; atmosphere, ambience, aura; mood, disposition, temperament
ikun believe
ikhin not know
iliere swan
ille arm
imbe ax
imme water
eotimme tainted water, poison, acid; hard liquor
immin drop (of water)
tiranimme waterfall, cascade
impun scratch, mark
imun sew
-in piece or bit (of), thing
inale late
inde taste
eotinde bad taste
indan taste, seem
indatan taste, try
ine aft, rear
ineeme afternoon
kaineeme yesterday afternoon
kuineeme this afternoon
ingun beware, look out for
inje slander, calumny
injarun (with -obo) slander
inke dice, lots
inkie great (in size or number)
inlain approach, be about to
inlethon stalks, blades
inneere gnome
intan stature, size, importance
inte little, few; hardly
inue nose
iokine thigh
iolle (minute) grains, seeds, crumbs, bits
iomon pass, spend (time)
ionin play
ionin game
-iono in
iore wishes
iorikhan wish
ioriime wishful
ioroben island
ioron remote land, island
iose flames
iosatan light, set on fire
iipe fear
iipikhan be afraid
iipiime afraid
ipoore fate, destiny, doom
eotipoore doom, ill fate
ipooratan fate, destine, doom
ire master, ruler, sovereign
irindze ells (unit of msmt.)
iron teach
iromen teaching, instruction
isin cut
-itsa (down) from; as a result of
iishe hunter
ishen peas
iten go
itien gray or grizzled hair; gray, grizzled, hoary
ithon plow
ithon plow
iu person, human
iukhun bowl, dish
iunde cage, jail
iuven mice
iudzen village
ive child, young person
idzen let go, loose, let
idzin lead, guide
suidzin mislead
idzuere potash
jan prevent, impede, forbid
jadze springs, fountains
jaite teacher
jajan yell (enthusiastically), cheer; (with -una) support (a person, a plan, etc.), speak up for, praise, defend
-jalan (aspect) burst out ...-ing, suddenly start to ... (abundantly)
jampe sack, bag
jan person
jaran tear, rip
jarankan tear off, rip off
jauren wood
jeje (medicinal) amulet; (plus undetermined metaphorical uses)
jeejonko (attrib. noun) long ago
jemen glue, paste; constitution, mettle
jendzalan hop (on one foot)
jenge sapling, young tree
jenle key
jethe wind
jeven (large) lump, tumor
jiithe gleet, gonorrhea
jile chink, crack, crevice
jilie assembly, assemblage of people, meeting
jinde army, (military) expedition, troop, band
jinlan thrill, excite
jinlamun thrilling, exciting
jollon finish off, kill, put an end to; drink up
jonde fireplace, hearth, fireside
joo (adverb?) tomorrow
joren dried up (by heat), withered, desiccated
juitarun play cards
juitaruven card-player
juitaruvese cards, card-playing
juite cards, playing-cards
julun flutter, flicker
junle moss, algae, lichen
juraben meadow, field
juran (blades of) grass
juten upland(s), highlands
-nja like, something like; (with diminutive effect) -ish, -y
njadzun balance
njamen wheel
-nje (int. aux. or deriv. sfx.) badly, mis-
njente stench, stink, foul odor; malodorous, smelly; fishy, suspicious
njen fold, bend
njikan fight, struggle against or with, battle, combat
njilin pierce, puncture
njo (counterfactual modal postvb.) if
njove whip, scourge
njudzute device, contrivance, invention
ka-/ke-/ki- (deriv. pfx.) fore-, pre-, before, first, front, top; last (day, year etc.)
-k(a) inflection-bearing preformative
kaaniun fall over; (with -ie) become suddenly
kabain offer, present
kabaimen offering, presentation
kabon beat, pound
kabodze mallet, hammer
kachaman mushrooms
kaadzun groan, cry out (in pain)
kahan (large) wagon
kain ten; tenth
kaina always
kainama forever
kaje chatter, prattle, gossip
kajan chatter, prattle, gab, gossip
kalaman heal, cure, mend
kalaman cure, remedy
kalamanen healer, doctor, leech; curative, remedy
kalan words
kalasun word list, glossary, vocabulary, dictionary
kaleege logic
kalle fate, lot, fortune
eokalle doom, ill fate
kalun speak, talk
kalumen speech
kambe boat
-kane (interrog. inan. pron. erg.) what?
kanton priest
karivate threshold
kasankin scout, foreguard
-kata not want to, won't
kataue thumb
kathan break, gap, cleft
kaven big, large
-ke (2 sg. pron. erg.) you; your
-ke (pl. sfx. class 2) -(e)s
ke (3 inan. sg. and pl. nom. disjunctive nucleus.)
keaban upper lip; haughty, arrogant, supercilious, snobbish, priggish
keabanakan snob, prig
keaihun head, foremost part
kean bath
keanan bathe
kebe bottom, underside
keeche letter
kelembarun travel, take a trip
kelembe journey
kemboo torture
keme first
kenden beg, entreat, plead
kendon twenty; twentieth
-kene -ing, -(at)ion; -ed, -en
kenkan laugh (pleasantly rather than otherwise)
keome (cooking-)pot
kere (num. anim. disj.) one; someone, somebody: [Athiove kere su ni ruiviono 'I saw someone in the reeds']
kerien tiles
-kero happen to; perchance
keron (with -ie) find oneself, happen upon
kerue door
kesenen prick, stab
keshere result, reward
keta forward
kia still
kiallen colander
kien burn
kievan burn
kilun squat, crouch
kiime high, tall
kiimen height, stature
kinlin strong, forceful
kinlinen strength
-kio (portmanteau pron. 2 sg. erg.) + (3 inan. sg. absol.) you (v.t.) it
-kioso (portmanteau pron. 2 sg. erg.) + (3 inan. pl. absol.) you (v.t.) them
kipen drink
kipiere drunk
kipedze cup, glass
kipin drink
kirenne palm (of hand)
kirre bald or bare spot, empty space; bald, bare, blank, empty, barren
kisun orange (color); orange (colored); orang(e)ish
kitsen weakling, coward; weak, cowardly
(-)kiu- (reciprocal pron. formative) each other, one another
kiule goblin
kiunan chew
kmaitse lazy
kmaitsen laziness, indolence, languor, lethargy
-ko from, of
-ko (3 inan. sg. pron. erg.) it; its
ko (proper noun article) the
koboe hare
kodze wildcat
koge shovel, spade
kombe lanterns, lamps
ko'one empire
ko'onon emperor
kompe less, fewer
koran build, put up
koramen building
korin hit, push, shove, slap, thump
korite blow, push, shove, slap, thump
korome tired
koromen fatigue
korun come to know, realize
koon eat
koode food, meal
-koso (3 inan. pl. pron. erg.) they; their
koshe clear
koshen clearness, clarity
-koto (3 inan. sg. and pl. relative pron. erg.) which, that
ku (definite article animate nominative) the
ku (prevb.) now, yet, already; still; when, as, while
ku- (deriv. and deictic pfx.) this (day, year etc.)
kungane (interrog. adverb present) when?
kuambe knots
kuambatan knot, tie
kuandze dream
eokuandze nightmare
-kudzava ago
kueken crippled, lame
kuende number
kueve Cycle (39 years)
-kuijun (aspect) look (like), seem (like)
kuime healthy, well
eokuime ill, unwell, sick
eokuimen illness, sickness, ill health
kuimen (good) health, wellness
kuin shine
kuive ribs
kujan plant (a field) in rows; instruct, order; rule, govern
kujaven governor, mayor
kumpin navel
kunlausa just now (recently)
kupuin fart
kurien crooked
kusie medicine, drug
kr occurs only in some dialects, where it is pronounced roughly as k + voiceless uvular fricative.
krachan clank, rattle; roam about, swagger
kraitin squeeze, press, force, cram
krame herd animal, livestock
kren be busy, work energetically
krelun scorch, singe, burn
krenen zigzag
kretsan squawk, croak, crow, chuckle
krilan drive, propel
krove pole
krun testicle
kruule deep sea, deep water; deep
-nka (past indefinite tense) -ed, have ...-ed, used to ... etc.
nka (conditional modal postvb.) would
nka'an pith
nkaile home
nkairan calamity
nkapan strike, hit, knock
nkaphan bend
nkaphavan bend
nkare planks, boards
nkaromen planking, deck
nkaute impetuous, hasty
nkadze marrow
nkelan poke, nudge
nkemen windstorm
nken whole, entire, complete
nkente lodging place, (established) campsite
nkeepe hate, hatred
nkeepikhan hate
nkeepiime hateful
nkeven trouble, disturb, bring trouble to
-nki apart
nkiare god
nkiete castrated animal
nkine port, wharf
nkirie lizard
nkobon strife, discord
nkomon startle, surprise
nkoone ants
nkopale fences, palisades; enclosures, folds
nkopalatan fence (in), enclose
-nku out
nkuan declare, announce, proclaim
nkuale garden
nkudzan flute, recorder
nkuen outside, exterior
nkuitse dog
nkuitsadzine male dog
nkuitsunge female dog, bitch
nkume orphans
nkunure owl
nkusun avoid, shun (through fear)
kha more, else, in addition
khabun cloth
khae gorge
khaide edge
khaidin belch out, blurt out, emit
khaikhe beetle
khaime thicket
khaisan newt, salamander
khamethe flags, banners
khandun debate, argue
khandumen debate, argument
khanin whisper
khanin whisper
khantie haze, blur, shadow (as in distance); hazy, shadowy, vague
khanun bloom, come to life; (with -ie) come to be, become
khanure cold
khapun stiff, straight
kharon kain, tax made in kind
khashe poison
khaue amphora, vessel
khause scythe
khede rest, remainder
khe'e lump
kheeche crack, crevice
khembe eel
kheme (round) loaves (of bread)
khemikhin whisper, blow gently
khenan (raw) meat, flesh
khene needles
khenen assault, attack
kherukun scrape
kheste bow
khevan stand fast, persist, last
khedze mattress, cushion
khiatan defeat, vanquish
khie yes
khieke knuckle
khille (open) temple, sanctum
khimune vulva
khine bum, vagabond
khirin bother, annoy, vex
khirimun bothersome, annoying
khivun break
khodzan fair, festival
khoke onion, leek
khole sweet
khon coast
Khonlakan (a forest god)
-khoro around
khovie spouse, mate
khovian get married
khuan teach, instruct
khuavan learn
khuede honor, virtue
khuile circle
khuin hunt
khurankharen (pounding) surf
khuurin beads
khurre ivy, climbing vine
khuthe shit
khuve warm
khuven warmth
-la (1 pl. pron. erg.) we; our
la'alake (nuclear) family
la'ampan (sea)shell
laguse bait, lure
lahakin paddle
-lai future tense sfx.: morphophonemic alternant of -nai used with monosyllabic stems.
laise place
-(vo)laisa instead of, in place of
lakhun please
aitalakhun displease
lakhumun pleasant
lakhuvan like, enjoy
lakhuvamen pleasure
lampe enough
lande legends, (stories of) lore
kalande early (unwritten) legends or lore
langan squabble, quarrel, bicker
langa (adverb?) later, after a while, soon, afterwards
langan squabbling, quarreling, discord; squabbling, quarrelsome, discordant
langate (point or bone of) contention, dispute, difference, variance
lankhan committee, tribunal
laare quay, wharf
laron ball, sphere
thialaron hemisphere
lasan flat land; flat
lashan sing
lashe tall, long, deep, high
late pincers, claws
latatan pinch; grab
laumon bile
launte evening, night
kalaunte last evening, last night
kulaunte this evening, tonight
ladzan honey
laadze (trail) marker, sign
-le sg. sfx
le (interrogative) ; (in conditional constructions) if; (in subordinate clauses) whether
lekme West
-lele everywhere, all over the place
-lengo off
lenke mind, will
lenon lick
lephon earn, gain, win
leshe song
letan hair(s); (sg.) (single) hair
leve shadows
li- (deriv. pfx.) re-, back, again
lian seven; seventh
liakain seventeen; seventeenth
liabe paper
liabin (piece of) paper
lian stand
liavan Summer
kaliavan early summer, last summer
lieme dark skin; dark-skinned, dark
li'isen run (madly) about
lijurun fall over, fail
likun loner, animal outside the herd or flock etc.; outsider etc.
limbin breakfast
lime shallow
limpe sap, juice, pus, spit
lin peace
linge donkey, ass
linkin ?
-linlu up
liothen wither, fade
lithe country, nation
lithe thick, fat
-liu can, be able to
liupe knee
kaliupe shin
liurun answer, respond, reply
liurute answer, response
liuse lice
liutse fool; foolish
live (the) beyond, other side
-lo (alternate portmanteau pron. 1 pl. erg. + 3 inan. sg. absol.) we (v.t.) it
lon become
losten (the) future, what is to come
loe foot
lonke fault, guilt
lonte (var. of lonke)
loope clean, pure, clear
loopatan cleanse, clean, purify
lore lake
-loso (alternate portmanteau pron. 1 pl. erg. + 3 inan. pl. absol.) we (v.t.) them
lovooke scarf
luchun pin, peg; toe
ludin return, come back, go back
ludin return
luente ally, comrade
soluente enemy, adversary, rival
luinan walk
-luku back
lulen ? suck
lumeon measure, gauge, judge
luupe ridge, spine
luthe sister
The status of nl as a phoneme is questionable; it's found only in certain dialects.
nlaike bad
nlale thirst
nlalille thirsty
nlalikhan thirst, be thirsty
nlampan slap
nlapen push
-nlausa earlier, recently
nleane law
nlege deep
nleeme sly, cunning, clever
nlese spear
-nleva across, beyond
nlibe eye
nliban (two) eyes
nlibekenon see eken
nligin sink, settle, descend
nliron melt
nlise resin, gum, glue; resinous, sticky, adhesive
nliton dawn, become bright, clear up
nlobe gorse
nlokun lay responsibility on; be owed money from. [Nlokusotienge 'I owed her money']
nlothe voice
thianlothe whisper, low voice
nlukhe potato
nlule feathers
nlumun heap up, pile up
nlusin (shiny) white; (shiny) whitish
nluuthin spoil, destroy, ruin
-lla/-lle (frequentative/habitual)
lla (prevb.) then (past); when, as, while
lla (num. anim. proclitic) two
llande (num. anim. disj.) two; two, a couple: [Mburuson ku llande nu Siulluvo 'Two (of them) were talking with Siullun']
llangane (interrog. adverb past when?)
llaive wrinkle
llakhan shine, gleam, flash
llakukhan water snake
llamun cut off
llasan funeral
lleavan doubt, be suspicious of
llede plaster
lleeche dust devil, whirlwind
llembe energy, vigor, power, strength
llembille energetic, vigorous, potent, strong
llepen witness
lleten bubbles
llidon choke
lliken move abruptly, move suddenly
llila (over) there
lli(l)- (deictic III) (over) there, that (over there)
lliman rumble, resound
llipan droop, be limp; loaf, languor, be lazy; limp; lazy, languid; useless
llokon thud, thump
llonan pasture
llosun slash, slice
llulin graze
llure womb, uterus
-lluthu way, a long way, far (away), in the distance
lluvan die (of wind, fire, etc., and euphemistically of people)
-ma to, towards, for
ma some (partitive article)
ma (num.) four; (ord.) fourth
maaran hold (esp. in mouth or closed hand); contain; hide, conceal
maase brother-in-law (applied to any male aralle of one's spouse)
maatse loop (of string etc.)
makain fourteen; fourteenth
manondon eighty; eightieth
mabennon wander, err
mabennovatan misguide, lead astray
maache awful, terrible, horrible
maden school
madin gather, collect
magaren copper
magan suffer, be ill or ailing or sick; suffer from a fever, have a fever. ; I'm sick of your deception.
mahene (regional) governor
maikan aunt
mainampe grandmother
mairise celery
maje scanty, poor, paltry, meager
make green; greenish
-mala on, on top
mallen candles
mana thus
manare brothel
manten gulf, bay
ma'on wooded river valley
masian rascal, rogue
mate need
matan (with -una) need
mauman moan, groan
mauman moan, groan
maunte stick, staff, club
madzin pinch, tweak, pull
madzimuitun pinch together
madzinkan pinch off, pull off, pluck
madzumen bundle of clothes
mege curtain, veil
mekne fresh, new, young
mekhon spell, sound out, pronounce
mele beginning
mellin square
meman remain, stay
membe spleen
memene gate
mempe wedding
-men (deriv. sfx. v.) -ery, -ment, -age, -ing
men (emphatic modal postvb.) indeed, in fact, really
meen iron
mende sweet, tasty
menle awkward, clumsy
menon sleep
somenon go without sleep; hold vigil; worry
mendze baby
-mene all, all the way
meore origin; original
meonne cairn
meon lie, be lying down
-mera because of, due to, on account of
mesie frost, sleet, snow, (biting) cold wind; frosty, snowy, biting cold
meshen plants, greens
meete shoe
methe flower
michen olive
mielin shy, wild
miendze river
miete brood, litter
migan steal, rob
migaven robber, thief
mikhue store(house)
mila here
mi(l)- (deictic III) here, this (here)
mindamo therefore
minnan steer, guide
minte light
miode too much
mire different, dissimilar
mirin send
kamirin send ahead
mise trees
mishun dig up, root up; discover, find out
mitsuron Northwest
miuton trust, confidence, faith
mochon burned end (of wood); (of wooden things etc.) burned, burned up; (of people) exhausted, depressed
mokhen dried fish
mokhan (species of tree)
molan feign, pretend
-mola pretend to
monane last
kamonane next-to-last
monde plans, schemes, designs
kamonde plans, intentions, preparations
kamondan plan, intend, prepare
more good
mon hear
momen hearing
monin sound
mosue icons, totems
mosuirin shrine
moten flow
mothue fox
motse vinegar
modzan dull, blunt; weak, ineffectual; unintelligent
-mu detransitive
muante breach, gap, break, hole
mudze light, easy
muelle wheat
mugoge soup, stew
muike strings
muine sunlight; light, radiant
muire too much, too many; too
muitun join, connect, attach, couple
mune gray; grayish
mure path, trail
musin look for (but not find), grope for
-musi try in vain, fail to
-muthaman (aspect) too much, too many, over-
muure prophecy
eomuure evil prophecy, curse
-(n) conominal
-n (deriv. sfx.) -ing etc.
-(n)a (elliptical copulative sfx. n.) be, go, do etc.
-na (passive) ; (impersonal pron. nom.) it, one, they, someone, something; (with vbl. deriv., -(n)a) there is, there are
na'an leap; push; shout
-nai (future tense) will, shall
nain king, queen, emperor
nakaun dazzle, bewilder, distract
nakaumen confusion, distraction
nakaumun dazzling, bewildering
nakhun terrify, cause to tremble
nakhumun terrifying
naman choose
kanaman prefer
naman choice
naame stream, brook
nampan crowd
nampon eat up, consume, devour, destroy
namu mama, mom, mommy
nande heavy, dense
nandese large flat-bottom two-sail boat
naane lair
nangala (interrog. deictic adverb) where?
nanien sausages
nankan swamps, lakes
nanne viper
napare tea
naape horn (of animal)
narue plain
nasan wrist
nasue male kind, men-folk; (of people) male
natin wait for
nauke dark, gloom, murk
naukille dark, gloomy, murky
naun put
nauten smile
nauten smile
sonauten frown
sonauten frown
ne (3 anim. and inan. sg. and pl. acc. disjunctive nucleus.)
nearon hold back, hinder, delay, slow
nebon harm, injure
-nedzo backward, in back
ne'in make oneself small, scrunch, hide
-nekatu forward, in front
nekhon bay
nemen break
-(^n|v)en (deriv. sfx. personal agent) -er
-nenga through
-nenin (aspect) start; ((dimin.) ) here and there, now and then, a little, for a while, off and on
-( )nepa against
neren weave
nen (binominative) be; (with -ikha) have
neese region, realm
neste some, a certain
nesten (there) be, exist
nesten existence
netse fog
ni (definite article inanimate oblique) the
niamu see niamu
nianke beard
niiche tobacco
-nie (absol.) he, she, him, her; (poss.) his, her
-nieno (absol.) who, whom, that; (poss.) whose
niiole map, chart
nikhe short
-nimalan (aspect) almost, not quite
nime air
nimin weak, frail, brittle
ninue sad
-ninke (pl. sfx. used with some monosyllabic nouns) -(e)s
niolle wing
niollan fly
nioone sanctuary, shelter
nipu soldier
nipun blame, censure, rebuke, reproach, scold
nipullamun renounce
-nisie (3 anim. pl. absol. pron.) they, them; their
niven appear, come into view
nivon desert, abandon
n(n)akhan snot
n(n)ebe cracks, fissures
-ndo partitive (quantitative) of
-nnuite (absol.) You; (poss.) Your
n(n)unde confused, dizzy
no (syntactic particle (obl/absol))
noe pair, set (of two)
noedzen think
noedzemen thought
noedzelle pensive, thoughtful
nome old
nontoe fist
noon cock, male (of birds)
nope band, stripe
norin room, chamber
kanorin antechamber, vestibule
non pass, go by
kanon surpass
nos(u) a, one of the
note dead
noten death
nooven guard, watch over
-nun (aspect) begin to
nu (definite article animate oblique) the
nuan come to rest, (of the sun) set
nuchen penis
nuelle dust
nuime wine
nuin ship
-nunku suddenly
nuuke sky
nupun crumbs
nure awe, wonder
nutun die
o- (intransitive indefinite (disjunctive) local formative)
-o (genitive) of (adjectival inanimate)
obin chip, splinter
-obo by, along, through, during
ochan split open (something with a soft interior)
ochore shoulder
odande hook
oede new
oen treasure, wealth
oenle drop
ogon write
okite scale, balance
okitatan weigh, balance
okhosin lace (clothing)
olian calm, quiet, still(ness)
olome loud
olope lack
olopikhan lack
olui dwarf
ollose cabal, secret or clandestine society, conspiracy; secret, covert, clandestine, conspiratorial
ollun father-in-law
ombon udder
omi (knitted) sweaters or shirts
omokon urine
omokonan urinate
omote hour
ompe apples, pears
onainda downwind
onde leaves
onen play music
onemen music
ookun roll, ripple, undulate; flow
oonen courtyard, yard, commons, field
oneve histories, stories, tales
onlaue table, desk
oole ((non-human) ) father, (adult) male
opaitse mouth
opane time, while
seetopane meantime, meanwhile
open heat; hot
ophon lure, entice, tempt
ophomun tempting, enticing
opuden sour
oran (freight) boat, barge
orde rod, staff, stick
orean avoid
oriive spoons
orobe smart, intelligent
oron think about, consider, ponder, weigh
oromen thought, consideration
oromun thoughtful, pensive
oruane forest, wood
orran find out
orran news, information
ospon salt
oten mole
otonkeeme calendar
otorin open
otorian open
othooe skill, craft
otse egg
otsere valley
ovatun league, alliance, confederation
ovatuvatan confederate
oviie bundle, package
ovole money
ovolin coin
oodze grace, elegance; graceful, elegant
odzen question, doubt
odzenille questionable, doubtful, dubious, uncertain
odzole hill
keodzole foothill, upslope
paache steward, butler, attendant (or either sex)
paan horse
paaven rider
pain hit, bump (against)
paire storm
pakue steps; cabins, berths, bunks
pakueben terrace, terraced land
pakuirin stairway
pampen load down; blame
pampun silly, foolish; (with -obo) fond of
pande hollow
pandeben hollow (place)
pandiime stupid
panle waist
papan touch
papan touch
pare agreement, accord
parian push out, expel; deny
parian agree
parue zinc
pason pipe
paten blister
paue black; blackish
paure seeds
pealare cord, rope
peelin clear out, finish off; eat up, drink up
-pelin (aspect) keep on ...-ing, continue to; still
pelin hide (in fear)
pelipenevan hide-in-the-rock (lizard)
pella maybe
pelle poison
pene stone, rock
penin stone, rock, pebble
penke near(by)
pente ((non-human) ) mother, (adult) female
pendze wolf
peonde hillside
perun bed
pesen white (opaque--as clouds, smoke, milk etc.)
pesenin decide (a case), rule
petenge remote (mountain) settlement
pethan plunge, fall, rush, hasten
pethan haste
pethe sudden
pethasa suddenly
pin cut open, gash, slit
piadzan strike, collide with, pound against, smack
piare walls
kapiare bulwarks
pichan jump, bound, leap
pidan save, conserve, preserve
pide beach
pien female kind, women-folk; (of people) female
piesen vengeance, retribution
piete few, not many
piille pancake, flat cake
pione (dull) white
piose pine (tree)
piparin hammer
-pipun (aspect) stop, cease
pire male (animal)
pise pebbles, gravel
piten raft
plain barrel, cask, keg
pon come
-pon (aspect) be about to; soon
pode brisk, nimble, agile, active
pogenie trunk, chest
pokon run, rush, hurry
ponten hack, slash, cut; slander, defame
poone dew
poorete muck, slime
poren bald head, pate; bald-headed person; bald-headed
poron unit of msmt. = 5.8 inches
puarin miss, fail
puiche even, equal
puille list, account, index
puikhan (one of a race of humans)
puipe belly, tummy
puipere pudgy, plump, potbellied
pule veins, arteries
puli personal belongings
pumpon roar, croak, creak, groan, growl
pumpuere noisy, plaintive
punante damp, wet
puraithe autumn, fall
puron weep, cry, lament
uspuron bawl, wail, sob, howl
puru or
pr occurs only in some dialects, where it is pronounced roughly as p + voiceless uvular fricative.
prallan dip (into liquid)
prankun flap, flop about
prase buds
praute tomorrow
preen hinge, joint
preken scratch
prikode slipper
prise (spinning-)top
proche hollow, recess, niche
prupe anchor
prusun storm, blow, gale; throw a tantrum, have a fit; be in a commotion, bustle about
mpadian barn
mpaime basin, bowl
-( )mpano around, on both sides of, across
mpase seer
mpe (irrealis subordinating nominalizing conjunction) that; to, in order to or that
mpekie bravado, audacity, brazenness, sass, impertinence, insolence; bold, audacious, cocky, brach, reckless, brazen, sassy, impertinent, insolent, rude
mpelen girl, (young) daughter
mpelle plot, tract of land
-mpeni in two, apart
mpeshere showers, mist, drizzle
mpetse cross, x, x-shaped object
mpedze sword
mpie week (six days)
mpinkan sting, prick
mpithun bless
mpitse cool, fresh
mpidzun clever
mpo and, just, even, also, but; (with na, non-restrictive)
mpokhe ready
mpokhatan make ready, prepare
mpona then
mposun forgive
mpuate ugly
mpuie bowels, entrails
mpunie mill
mpureme insistent, urgent
phage clump of small trees
phailin fill up, overfill; worry
phaipe beer
phajan yoghurt
phanan let, allow
pharan lung
pharan be all (of something)
pharun spit
pharunan spit
phan happen to, befall
phaun clip, crop, dock, lop off
phavan alarm
phebe widow(er)
pheden well
phegan fast
phele dark
phelen darkness
phende weak, feeble
phenke neighborhood, milieu, surroundings; nearby, close
-( )phenka near, close (to)
phenun cure, salt, preserve
pheon relate, tell
pheoden tale, account
pherie slap
pheriatan slap
pheen pull out, take out, remove
pheche nipple
phedzan yawn, gape
phedzan yawn, maw, gap
phedzankan open up
phiekun milk
phieratan flash a light at, spot (with a light)
phikan test, try
phin goat
phinunge she-goat
phidzine he-goat
phiphen broth, soup
phirun bury (dead)
phisen fleas
phon six; sixth
phokain sixteen; sixteenth
phoelen rub
phonde liver
phookan uncle
phomin hay
phoonampe grandfather
phope fool, joker
phosene trade, profession
phote beacon
phulun fly, soar, glide
phuin snout, muzzle
phuiun sulfur
phun (cooking) fire
phurun bridge
phuruvatan bridge, span
raban forehead
raime clouds
rain (species of tree)
rakoe power, might
rakhe fish(es)
rambe nail, peg
raate customs, usages, practices; customary, usual
rauan cliffs
karauan base of cliffs
rautsun hum, mumble, buzz
reebin logic, reason
-reke (pl. sfx. used esp. with nouns meeting certain phonological criteria) -(e)s
rekhe master
rekhan fell, cut down
-reme (2 defer. pl. pron. erg.) You; Your
reemite pen, writing instrument
rempan shake
reenan sail
rende judge
renthe market town
rephe mast
rere state, condition
reshan love, eros, lust
reshanan make love
reshanikhan love, lust (after), desire
reshaven lover
retsane coronation
rialmin (species of plant)
ribe clothes, garments
ribakhon clothing, clothes
ribomen clothing, clothes
ribatan clothe, dress
ribovan dress, get dressed
soribovan undress, get undressed
richun plait, braid
riie time, epoch
kariie antiquity, yore
riete host(s)
-rikan (aspect) stop, give up, leave off
rikaden rest, sojourn
rikan stop, give up
rikun weigh
rikumen weight
rikunan weighty, heavy
rikuvan weigh
rikhende dirt, filth
rikhendille dirty, filthy
rinulle crow, rook
rioone world
karioone antiquity, primeval world
risin fly, take flight
sivarisin flee
-rite past, by
rithon resemble
riuke moths
riumin listen (to)
soriumin disregard, ignore
rivan (domesticated) animals
rivate ?
rokue fair, light-skinned
romben undertake, perform (ceremony), do
roobe brittle
rookan fall and break, collapse, come crashing down
rookavatan fell (a tree), bring down (the roof); confound, bring (a person) to shame, embarrass, humiliate; provoke (a fight), bring on (a storm), cause
roran cup
roste beech
rotsun cover (completely); overwhelm
-ru (2 pl. pron. erg.) you, y'all; your
-ru (derivational noun forming vi. sfx.) do, act (like) etc.
run stand, be
rudalle butterflies
ruenge rot
ruengille rotten
ruge milk
ruindze scar
ruive reeds, canes
rukhe lump, bump
ruulote spider
rumen standing, condition
rumun flesh
ruun bird
rune soft, gentle, mild
-ruo (alternate portmanteau pron. 2 pl. erg. + 3 inan. sg. absol.) you ... it
-ruoso (alternate portmanteau pron. 2 pl. erg. + 3 inan. pl. absol.) you ... them
rusaalin found, establish
rusin kernels, (edible) seeds
-sa at, on; (adverbial) -ly; (ordinal) -(e)th
-sa (vi. only) progressive/stative participial: -ing
-sa/-se (imperfective aspect) be ...-ing
saban create, cause, bring about
sain begin, start, commence
saire beginning, start
saake bone
saalun moon-festival
kasaalun days before the saalun
saitse (tree) monkey
sanene pearl
sankin guard
sara (verb enclitic) but, on the other hand
-sari mustn't, shouldn't
sarrin take a rest
sasen log
saate (tree) stump
sate firm, steady
saune breast (of woman)
sauphe demon, devil
savashe hot spring
save (-o only) other
saven life
sadze mind
-se (variant of -(n|v)ese used with monosyllabic verb stems)
se (1 sg. disjunctive nucleus.)
sea but
sedie perfume, balm, lotion
sechen fat
selle Moon
eoselle evil moon, evil sign, ill portent
semone age, time of life, generation
sempe gold
sempin piece of gold, gold coin
sosempe fool's gold
senadze barrier
senge spirit
senkun (grains of) rice
sendzon reach, arrive at
seon live
seonille living, alive
serun boundary, border, margin
sese flour, meal
sesi (interjection (a mild expletive)) shoo!, scram!, beat it!, buzz off!
seete middle
seetavenjon noon, midday
setse piece
-si right, straight, directly
-ri (de-ergative valency operator (used only when A and P are coreferential or co-possessive)) -self, -selves
siachan stroke, pet, caress
siagan farm, cultivate
siahu (summer) rain shower
siakhe dear, beloved
sianke glass
siapen chisel
siaten sand
sibau (sleeping) mats
siche straight
sielen trinkets, trifles
sielin bow, bend over
sien more, most (of); -er, -est
sige tight, taut
siidze firefly
sije cap, hood, cover
siike image
siise bold, brave
sikua maybe (dubitative particle)
sikuse scab, crust; dry, hard, congealed, crusty
sikhan boil
sileen soldier, warrior
simbun grow
kasimbun Spring
sime dance
simun dance
siin bird of prey (eagle, falcon, etc.)
sinkaran use
sinle (dark) brown; threatening (clouds); sombre, gloomy (mood)
sipen brother
sipion grasp, understand
siple pants
siphen hospice
sithe swift, brisk, strong, robust
sken hang
skeatan hang
so-/su- (deriv. pfx.) un-, dis-, de-, mis-, for-
sobain leave
sobu grandpa(pa), uncle, gaffer, old man
sokhaaron spend
sokhin tongue
solinkin let go, release, loose
somenon see menon
son things
sonemen cease
soon go, ride, be carried
sopene floor
soran target
soravatan aim at
soshe dirt, crud, grime, soot
sovan untie, undo, pull apart; break (an agreement)
sove many
soodze beautiful
speke flash, glance, glimpse
spoon cover
-tsava can't, not be able to
-ste (deriv. sfx.) -less, without, non-
stilakan sparkle, glitter
stiphe kind, sincere
stobe sure, certain
su (with noun) indefinite/partitive article: a, an, some (often untranslated): [Sinkavio baania su 'I cut it with a knife']; [Athiola chonende su 'We saw some boys']; [Lakhunne chompon su 'I like whiskey']; (with neutral verb) infinitive article: to, -ing: [Talonie dzuna simun su 'He wanted to dance']; [Monove mburunan su ni epeniono 'We heard talking in the house']
-sua epistemic must
suen book
sueta upstream
suikurun note, take note of, consider, beware, attend to, remember
suilun ankle
suiren leave, depart
suidze bare, bald (of hair, vegetation, etc.)
suke sparrows
suule month
-sulon (aspect) have just; recently
-sun (derivative sfx.) set, collection etc.
suntikon squint, leer, look askance
suorin trip, stumble, blunder
suorin misstep, blunder
suurun lie, tell a lie
suurun lying, deceitful, false
suurute lie
-sutikun (aspect) again and again, repeatedly
(-)sha- (conjunctive pron. formative) and
shadzun stop, staunch, quell, dam
shaike cousin, aunt, uncle
kashaike aunt, uncle, older relative
shainun thresh
shan cabbage
shanan sprinkle
shanampan yak, chatter, prattle
shankan sneeze
shapan take a (little) taste of
shapokan ballast
share big, huge
sharuke eager
shaue substance, matter, stuff
shavan grumble, grouse, mop, sulk
shede irrigation ditches
shegan sound of chopping or snapping or breaking
shegarun make (a) chopping etc. noise(s)
shekhan press, compress, crowd, crush
shele bitter
sheen furrow, groove
shemin scar, pockmark, dent, defect (not just in skin)
shere spring, source, early river, beginning
sheshe wretch, bum, creep, bastard, shit
shete crowded, frequent, numerous; often, frequently.
sheten waterfall
sheve belt
shibun complain, grumble, gripe, argue
shidin water, wet
-shie like to; want to, would like to
shilun vomit, retch
shilumen vomit
shinge skull
shinien different, of another kind; strange, foreign
shinue hull (of ship)
shisie crab
-sho away
shodze brine, salt-brine
shokan lime, limestone, chalk
shonke gasp, pant
shonkan gasp, pant
shonte problem, difficulty; difficult
shon turn over, change; (with -ie) become, turn, turn into
shovon carve
shuime (magical) charm
shuin love
shuin love, darling, dear, friend
shumene fort, fortification
shune breath
shunan breathe (in)
soshunan exhale
shuniun strangle, choke, throttle
shupe thing, matter, question, topic, concern
shuran block, prevent
shuure mild, gentle, tame
shuse symbols, characters, runes
shuthe plaster, mortar
tan one; (used occ. for keme) first
taben peel, strip, flay, tear (off)
taikan run (of quadrupeds)
tain spout, gush, spurt, spring or shoot out or up; flash, burst
taite spout, gush, spurt; flash, burst
takain eleven; eleventh
takalle wolf
talon (with -una) want
tamoe jaw
tanne shell, husk, rind
tarin show
tashame ladle, dipper
taue thumb, finger
taupe resin, gum
taave druid
te (3 anim. sg. and pl. nom. disjunctive nucleus.)
tean change, alter
teare change
teavan change
tepen star
tekan foot soldier
tekhalan scatter, dissipate, exhaust
tekhalavan scatter, dissipate, dwindle
tekhare hazelnuts
telen wash
tenge remote spot, isolated area, boondocks; remote, isolated
tente burst, flash, eclat
tepe carving, figurine, statuette
tephin mark, score, notch
tephin mark, score, notch
tetan rush, run, flow
tetren shatter, smash
-ti behind, after
ti (definite article inanimate nominative) the
-tia every now and then, here and there, off and on
tidon yellow; yellowish
-tie (3 anim. sg. pron. erg.) he, she; his, her
tiere sentry
-tieto (3 anim. sg. and pl. relative pron. erg.) who, that
tijin stare at
tikiete sister-in-law (applied to any female aralle of one's spouse)
tikhin pieces, fragments
tikhun left (opp. right)
tiksin cowardly, timid
-tio (portmanteau pron. 3 anim. sg. erg. + 3 inan. sg. absol.) she or he (v.t.) it
tioka quickly, soon
tioke quick, fast
-tioso (portmanteau pron. 3 anim. sg. erg. + 3 inan. pl. absol.) she or he (v.t.) them
tiran fall
tiranimme see imme
tiravatan drop
tirite how much?, how many?
-tisie (3 anim. pl. erg. pron.) they; their
-tisio (alternate portmanteau pron. 3 anim. pl. erg. + 3 inan. sg. absol.) they (v.t.) it
-tisioso (alternate portmanteau pron. 3 anim. pl. erg. + 3 inan. pl. absol.) they (v.t.) them
titionon germinate, sprout
tiure snow
tiuran snow
tiurin snowflake
tleke vault, dome
to (syntactic particle (nom/erg))
tohen ladder
token cling, stick (-sa on); stay
tolle wrong
tollan be wrong, be mistaken, err
tollin error, mistake
tomme (river)bank
toshe steep, abrupt, deep, severe
trepe hard
tuame mud, muck, mire
tube moment, second, instant
-tumi ? seem to; apparently
tungurin work on, busy oneself with, be engaged in, look into, study
turuke ruin
tuse shirt
tutuin jingle, clatter, chatter
ntairun continue
ntame long
ntamen length
ntaun beans
-nte (absol.) you; (poss.) your
ntechen pounce on, snatch
ntegen dry
nteleme sheep(s)
ntembe distant, far
ntete joke, prank, mischief
nteve hail
ntiape tail
ntiebe sleeping-mat; (river) bottom, (valley) floor
ntimie always
kuntimie still
ntiise high, lofty
-ntiten (aspect) along; still
ntiule shy, bashful
ntobokhon (poison) toad
ntophe broken, destroyed, ruined
nton know
ntomen knowledge
ntuere hunger
ntuerille hungry
ntuerikhan hunger, be hungry
ntukhe wasps, hornets
ntupe little, small
ntundzun (sexually) impotent
ntuven commerce, trade, business
thaban father, dad; fatherly, paternal
thabe neck
thaine food, fodder
thainatan feed, nourish
thaipe tin
thalle grapes
thalue captain
thaan teeth
thanakin jade
thanthie gecko
tharuen (a holiday)
thaan follow
thate bar (of door)
thaathe bread
-the (de-absolutive valency operator)
theame bare, nude
theate forehead
thegon marsh
thele young
theeme arrow
themmoovun history
thenge mist, fog (esp. over water)
thenun grasp, grab, take
-thiu must, have to
theore steel
theran fight
theroe battle, war
therre trance
thetsan pool, pond
thie half
thiembe carpenter
thigon cow
thike side
thikin squeeze, compress, pinch
thime hundred
thingon add
thionon swear, vow
thiipe beam, shaft
thirue pigtail, queue
thin belong to
thitsun bull
thiun man
thiun carry, bring
thoode empty, idle, vain
thookhe next
thomin dip, immerse
thonen call
thore bend, twist, crook
thoratan bend, twist
thovon heap, pile
thovovatan heap, pile up
thuan (over)skirt
thube chains
thubatan chain
thuilon know, be familiar with
thuinen kith (friends and neighbors)
thuite schlock; cheap
thukhire grief, sorrow
thuumin head
thunle saw
thunun hat, cap
thuriun climb
thun embrace
tsaarun harvest, yield
tsachan bell
tsaike badger
tsain mean, intend
tsaimen meaning, intention
tsakan beat, thrash, flog, pummel
tsalun hit (a target), guess (correctly)
tsamile (a) score, twenty
tsan dung
tsandzon run across, meet, happen upon
tsaphian teem, swarm
tsashe rotten smell; rotten, fetid, putrid
tsauron sigh, murmur
tsavan giant
tsadzan jump, leap
tse because; when; while
tsen eight; eighth
tsekain eighteen; eighteenth
tseden shake, rock
tsee none, nothing; no one, nobody; no, not a, (not) any
tseesin do like, imitate
-tseesi sort of, rather
tsekhe paint (for writing)
tselan turn around
tselle fallow, unplanted land
tsemen proclaim, announce
tsenke cataract (in the eye)
tsepen stake, pole, picket
tsianlan moan, sob, wail
tsianlan plaintive, mournful
tsikajan pirate, corsair, privateer, buccaneer
tsikuin rage, fury, madness
tsikuinille raging, furious, mad
tsimie mold
tsiin sassafras
tsindun share
-tsine (interrog. anim. pron. erg.) who?
tsitin basket
tsitson forks
tsiusun disclose, reveal, divulge
tsivete periwinkle (flower)
tsoche broken terrain, precipitous terrain; (of terrain) broken, precipitous
tsoen plenty, abundance
tsoenille plentiful, abundant
tsolen fierce, ferocious, vicious, mean; (adverbially) very (of a negative attribute)
tsonde crazy, mad, upset
tsoone toil, trouble, hardship
tsoonille toilsome, difficult, troublesome
tsoope dough, paste
tsotamin creep, sneak
tsoven drift
tsodze tortillas
tsuelan measure
tsuire ribbons
tsukhe (meat) pies
tsula there
tsu(l)- (deictic II) there, that (there)
tsuluume mercury
tsurun spit, spurt, spark, rush, streak, zoom
tsuthan upset, overturn
uakue lentils
uante coals
uaphun stem, stalk
uare heart
uarille emotion(al)
uan do, make
uanin act, action, thing
uarun roast, fry
uatsan pull up (roots etc.), dig up; expose, reveal (esp. a bad thing)
uauin tremor, shake
uauinan tremble, quiver, shake
uuben skill
ubon cook
uudran cloak
ueare hall
uegain skillet
uele a few
uene torrent
uenlen turn, bend
uethe means
ugale harvest
uhun insert
uiche barley
uide thunderclap
uidere thunder; thundering; marvellous, smashing
uikie evil deed; evil
uiku minnows, tadpoles, polliwogs
uilike pandore (3-string lute)
uinen child
uire little, not much
uin haul, drag, pull
uivon blanket
ukehu comet
uukin wake up
uukian wake up
ukhun cat
ukhununge female cat
ukhudzine male cat, tomcat
ule big
uunle shore, edge
ulkiashe Winter
ullere year
ullun act, behave
ulondze bag, satchel
ulume march, province, county
ulumon (provincial) peddler, dealer, trader
umain haze, mist, uncertainty
ume so, such
umidze skin
umne fruit(s)
uniue quartz
unkun split (in two), separate
unlute right, correct
unlutan be right, be correct
umbe prison, jail
umese yoke; joined?
unge female (animal); female (of animals only, or pejoratively of women)
-unge (appositive deriv. sfx. forming cpd. ns.), (e.g.):
unthe false
Untuakan (the Tall God)
uokon observe, notice
uone flies
uophe kidney
uotu bees
upan chant
uphalin be worth
ure fire
uratan light, set on fire
urhuen dragon
urun speak, exclaim
uusan course (of river)
utrin sign
utse machine, device
uvan take
udze much, many, a lot (of)
udzi witch
udziimen witchcraft
udzuule prophecy, divining
va (hortative modal postvb.) let etc.
vachan sell
vataino (polite hortative modal postvb.) please
vahan faint
vaisen bring forth, introduce; introduced thing or person; introduction; introducer
vaite same (one)
vaiun kiss
vaiun kiss
vaken ... for the first time
vakha upwind
valakan gasp, pant
vale night
kavale last night
kuvale tonight
vanden seem
vanite squall, gale, storm
vapin die, cube
vare back
vashen loose, flimsy, tenuous
-(v)ata (causative) make
vatun draw, pull
vathin truth; true
vaulun call, make a characteristic sound: (wind) rush, (brook) babble, etc. (generally a distant or hushed sound) ; murmur; beckon (from afar), (with -ma) cause longing; call, characteristic sound; murmur; beckoning (from afar)
vautin clan, lineage
-ve I; my
ve (num. inan. proclitic) two
vekain twelve; twelfth
venondon forty; fortieth
vedeene parent
vedon bear, give birth to
vedovan be born
vedo(va)n birth
vee all
vekue chest
vekhe slender
velenin drink up, throw back
velun flatter, cajole
(-n|v)en (deriv. sfx. personal agent) -er
ven (num. inan. disj.) two; two, a couple: [Emonotie ven su ni chantiono 'She found a couple in the box']; vesa (num. inan. ord.) second
vene illusion, apparition, vision
venian spill, pour
venje day
kavenje yesterday
kuvenje today
seetavenje midday, noon
kaseetavenje yesterday noon
kuseetavenje this noon, today noon
(-n|v)ese (abstract nominalizer) -ing etc.
vese otter
veetin nets
vetse color, hue
vetsille colorful
vidde muscles
vidue slope
vie(l)- (pseudo-deictic) all, every, each
viele cave, cavern
vieshe scraps, bits, pieces
vikie almost, nearly
vikhian blink, wink
-vikho try to
vilan meet, encounter
vinde (var. of vinge)
vinge loan
vingan borrow
vingatan loan
vinne clan, tribe
-vio (portmanteau pron. 1 sg. erg. + 3 inan. sg. absol.) I ... it
-vioso (portmanteau pron. 1 sg. erg. + 3 inan. pl. absol.) I ... them
viote sound, noise
viotere noise, clamor; loud, noisy
eoviotere clamor, din, cacophony, dissonance; clamorous, cacophonous, dissonant
viren (start to) go
virun ornamentation, adornment, decoration
visa together
-vise together
vise elf
-vito in
vitun bits, pieces
vithe frail, broken, feeble, vain
viven hetaera
-(v)o (past definite tense) -ed etc.
von say, tell
vobelle sulfur
voden lean
voden statement, account, sentence
vogen body
vokon meeting, assembly
vokhe trough
vollan road, way
vombe tube, pipe
vome rough, harsh
vomen warm breeze; warm
vonare twist, curl
vonoope angry, agitated, turbulent, excited
voothe rich, abundant
vopoion Northeast
vore pen, corral, pigsty
voro then, and then, afterwards, next
vosome garnet
voton glimpse
votsen crest (of hill)
vovena though, even if
vodzome wild, savage
vuena (var. of vovena)
vuin nine; ninth
vuide new (replaces oede)
vuikain nineteen; nineteenth
-vuinu think about, consider; maybe
-vuite (2 defer. sg. pron. erg.) You; Your
vukha (for) a little while
vullan hex, jinx
vulun slide, slip
vumin blow
vundie deaf
vun kill
vuuse blood
vuusan bleed
vuusille bloody
vuthe termites
Last modified Saturday, April 24, 2004 at 16:44:42 GMT -0500