Sinampaiton nouns



As with verbs, nouns in Sinampaiton are formed from a few parts:

The noun stem

Sinampaiton noun stems come in two varieties:

An N stem ends in a vowel, while most E stems end in a consonant. Here are some examples:

E stem N stem
chon-boy khaisa-newt
dadz-hand ntau-beans
lor-lake ja-person

A noun is generally cited as its stem followed by an e (if it's an E-stem noun) or an n (if it's an N-stem vowel). So a dictionary would list the above nouns like this:

E stem N stem
choneboy khaisannewt
dadzehand ntaunbeans
lorelake janperson

Number and case

Even though number and case are really two separate things in Sinampaiton, it's easiest to explain them together.

Number refers to the number of objects -- singular or plural -- represented by a noun. (As in English, some nouns have no number -- these are mass nouns such as 'milk' and 'ecstasy'.)

Number in Sinampaiton is indicated by a suffix (or lack thereof) attached to a noun. In most nouns, the plural is formed by attaching a suffix (-ke or -nde) to the singular form. In other nouns, the plural is the basic (unsuffixed) form and the singular is formed by attaching the singular suffix -le.


singular plural
kambe 'boat' kambeke 'boats'
jan 'person' jande 'people'
ntaule 'bean' ntaun 'beans'

There is also a third number, dual, which specifies two of an object, but the dual number is found in only a few nouns.

Case has to do with a noun's relation with another noun or the action of a verb. In Sinampaiton, as in many European languages, case is indicated by a suffix attached to the noun stem.

Some of the principle noun cases in Sinampaiton are:

Sinampaiton nouns are cited in the direct case.

[More to come...]

Last modified Saturday, April 24, 2004 at 16:39:31 GMT -0500